The world this week Politics
codeflysafe Lv5

Trump and America

1. Trunmp mooted guidelines to reopen the economy

Donald Trump said that America was past the peak of covid-19 outbreak, as he mooted guidelines to reopen the economy. However, when a journalist asked Mr Trump what he had done all February to prepare for covid, he called her “disgraceful”;

2. The funding to the WHO will be suspended

Accusing it of pushing “China’s misinformation” on the coronavirus, Mr Trump said he would suspend American funding to the World Health Organisation.

3. Bernie Sanders bowed out the 2020 persidential compaign

Mr Bernie is endorsing Mr Biden now so they can unite the Democratic Party in trying the defeat Mr Trump in November’s election

  • 本文标题:The world this week Politics
  • 本文作者:codeflysafe
  • 创建时间:2020-04-25 07:14:51
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